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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - sleep


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сон; спать – desynchronized sleep – frozen sleep – paradoxical sleep – rapid eye movement sleep – slow-wave sleep – winter sleep
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  разг. "ночевка" У индейцев или в подражание им - день, единица измерения времени, равная промежутку между двумя ночевками ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. сон sound sleep —- крепкий сон dead sleep —- мертвый сон light sleep —- легкий сон beauty sleep —- ранний сон, сон до полуночи broken sleep —- сон урывками; тревожный сон paradoxial sleep —- парадоксальный сон (со сновидениями) a sleep of three hours —- трехчасовой сон to sleep the sleep of the just —- спать сном праведника to go to sleep —- заснуть to drop off to sleep —- задремать, заснуть I could not get to sleep last night —- сегодня я никак не мог уснуть to have one's sleep out —- хорошенько выспаться I didn't lose any sleep over it —- меня это нисколько не волновало to put a child to sleep —- уложить ребенка to put smb.'s suspicions to sleep —- усыпить чьи-либо подозрения to get some sleep —- соснуть, вздремнуть not to get enough sleep —- не выспаться he doesn't get much sleep —- ему приходится мало спать he is overcome with sleep —- его одолевает сон 2. вечный сон, смерть the last sleep —- смерть the never ending sleep, the sleep that knows no breaking —- вечный сон, смерть to put a cat to sleep —- эвф. усыпить кошку 3. физиол. спячка winter sleep —- зимняя спячка 4. онемение (конечностей) his leg has gone to sleep —- у него онемела нога 5. спать to sleep easily —- спать спокойно to sleep a peaceful sleep —- спать спокойно to sleep like a log —- спать мертвым сном to sleep the clock round —- проспать двенадцать часов подряд to sleep with one eye open —- чутко спать not to sleep a wink —- глаз не сомкнуть the bed wasn't slept in —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  away  а) проспать; to sleep the day away проспать весь день  б) избавиться с помощью сна (от забот и т.п.) Go and have a good rest, you might be able to sleep your troubles away. SLEEP out  а) спать на открытом воздухе Its so hot tonight, lets sleep out in the garden.  б) жить не по месту работы (преим. о прислуге); быть приходящей (о няне и т.п.) There are two other servants who sleep out.  в) спать, ночевать не дома Their children seem to sleep out nearly every night.  г) проспать to sleep oneself out выспаться Sometimes he feels that he would like to sleep out the rest of his days. SLEEP off избавиться с помощью сна (от чего-л.) She should be able to sleep off the effects of the drug within a few hours. I hope Father will sleep off his bad temper. SLEEP in  а) жить по месту работы (преим. о прислуге); жить в доме (о няне и т.п.) My mother used to have a female servant who slept in.  б) to be slept in быть занятым, использованным для сна; His bed has not been slept in он не ночевал дома;  в) спать дольше обычного Dont wake me in the morning, Id like to sleep in. SLEEP around распутничать; спать с кем попало Her friends dont approve of her since she started sleeping around. SLEEP  1. noun  1) сон; to go to sleep - заснуть; to get a sleep - поспать; to get enough sleep - выспаться; in ones sleep - во сне; to send smb. to sleep - усыпить кого-л.; to put to sleep - уложить спать; to get to sleep - заставить себя заснуть; the last sleep, sleep that knows not breaking - вечный сон, смерть  2) спячка  2. v.  1) спать, засыпать; to sleep with one eye open - чутко...
Англо-русский словарь
  сон - sleep trajectory ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  употребляется в сочетаниях - electric sleep ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a condition of body and mind such as that which normally recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. 2 a period of sleep (shall try to get a sleep). 3 a state like sleep, such as rest, quiet, negligence, or death. 4 the prolonged inert condition of hibernating animals. 5 a substance found in the corners of the eyes after sleep. --v. (past and past part. slept) 1 intr. a be in a state of sleep. b fall asleep. 2 intr. (foll. by at, in, etc.) spend the night. 3 tr. provide sleeping accommodation for (the house sleeps six). 4 intr. (foll. by with, together) have sexual intercourse, esp. in bed. 5 intr. (foll. by on, over) not decide (a question) until the next day. 6 intr. (foll. by through) fail to be woken by. 7 intr. be inactive or dormant. 8 intr. be dead; lie in the grave. 9 tr. a (foll. by off) remedy by sleeping (slept off his hangover). b (foll. by away) spend in sleeping (sleep the hours away). 10 intr. (of a top) spin so steadily as to seem motionless. Phrases and idioms get to sleep manage to fall asleep. go to sleep 1 enter a state of sleep. 2 (of a limb) become numbed by pressure. in one's sleep while asleep. last sleep death. let sleeping dogs lie avoid stirring up trouble. put to sleep 1 anaesthetize. 2 kill (an animal) painlessly. sleep around colloq. be sexually promiscuous. sleep in 1 remain asleep later than usual in the morning. 2 sleep by night at one's place of work. sleeping-bag a lined or padded bag to sleep in esp. when camping etc. Sleeping Beauty a fairy-tale heroine who slept for 100 years. sleeping-car (or -carriage) a railway coach provided with beds or berths. sleeping-draught a drink to induce sleep. sleeping partner a partner not sharing in the actual work of a firm. sleeping-pill a pill to induce sleep. sleeping policeman a ramp etc. in the road intended to cause traffic to reduce speed. sleeping sickness any of several tropical diseases with extreme...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English slepe, from Old English sl?p; akin to Old High German slaf ~ and perhaps to Latin labi to slip, slide  Date: before 12th century  1. the natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored — compare REM ~, slow-wave ~  2. a state resembling ~: as  a. a state of torpid inactivity  b. death put a pet cat to ~; also trance, coma  c. the closing of leaves or petals especially at night  d. a state marked by a diminution of feeling followed by tingling my foot's gone to ~  e. the state of an animal during hibernation  3.  a. a period spent ~ing  b. night  c. a day's journey  4. crusty matter present in the corner of an eye upon awakening  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (slept; ~ing)  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to rest in a state of ~  2. to be in a state (as of quiescence or death) resembling ~  3. to have sexual relations — usually used with with  transitive verb  1. to be slumbering in slept the ~ of the dead  2. to get rid of or spend in or by ~ ~ away the hours ~ off a headache  3. to provide ~ing accommodations for the boat ~s six ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sleeps, sleeping, slept) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Sleep is the natural state of rest in which your eyes are closed, your body is inactive, and your mind does not think. They were exhausted from lack of sleep... Try and get some sleep... Be quiet and go to sleep... Often he would have bad dreams and cry out in his sleep. N-UNCOUNT 2. When you sleep, you rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body inactive. During the car journey, the baby slept... ...a pool surrounded by sleeping sunbathers. VERB: V, V-ing 3. A sleep is a period of sleeping. I think he may be ready for a sleep soon. N-COUNT: usu sing 4. If a building or room sleeps a particular number of people, it has beds for that number of people. The villa sleeps 10 and costs ?530 per person for two weeks. VERB: no cont, no passive, V amount 5. see also sleeping 6. If you cannot get to sleep, you are unable to sleep. I can’t get to sleep with all that singing. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you say that you didn’t lose any sleep over something, you mean that you did not worry about it at all. I didn’t lose too much sleep over that investigation. PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR over n 8. If you are trying to make a decision and you say that you will sleep on it, you mean that you will delay making a decision on it until the following day, so you have time to think about it. PHRASE: V inflects 9. If a sick or injured animal is put to sleep, it is killed by a vet in a way that does not cause it pain. I’m going take the dog down to the vet’s and have her put to sleep. = put down PHRASE: V inflects 10. to sleep rough: see rough ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle slept 1 »REST« to rest your mind and body by being asleep  (I normally sleep on my back. | You're welcome to stay if you don't mind sleeping on the floor. | sleep well/soundly)  (Did you sleep well? | sleep like a log/top informal (=sleep very well) | sleep late (=sleep until late in the morning))  (We usually sleep late on Sundays. | not sleep a wink (=not sleep at all))  (I didn't sleep a wink all night. | sleep the night BrE (=sleep at someone else's house for the night))  (We talked till late and then Bob ended up sleeping the night.) 2 sleep rough BrE to sleep outdoors in uncomfortable conditions, especially because you have no money 3 sleep on it informal to not make a decision about something important until the next day  (Why don't you sleep on it and give me your final reply tomorrow?) 4 sleep tight spoken used especially to children before they go to bed to say that you hope they sleep well  (Good night, sweetheart. Sleep tight!) 5 »NUMBER OF PEOPLE« to have enough beds for a particular number of people  (sleep two/four/six etc)  (The villa will sleep four easily.) 6 let sleeping dogs lie to deliberately avoid mentioning a problem or argument that you had in the past, so that you do not cause any problems  (She decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not to ask her son about the missing money.) 7 »BE QUIET AT NIGHT« literary if a village, house etc sleeps it is night time and very quiet  (While the house slept, he crept downstairs and out of the front door.) sleep around phr v informal to be too willing to have sex with a lot of different people sleep in phr v to sleep later than usual in the morning  (They like to sleep in on Saturdays.)  (- compare oversleep) sleep sth off phr v to sleep until you do not feel ill any more, especially after drinking too much alcohol  (sleeping off the effects of last night's party) sleep over phr v to sleep at someone's house for a night  (If you don't want to drive, you're welcome to sleep over.) sleep through phr v 1 T sleep...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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